It seems that fraud and theft are happening in new places all the time. As technology advances, criminals are finding new and creative ways to take advantage of people. Unfortunately the elderly often fall prey to these scams more easily than others. Informing elderly loved ones about how they can be taken advantage of robocallers is one way to help them prevent abuse.

What is a Robocall Scam

Robocall scams begin by a phone call being made to an elderly person. A recording offers them a service such as a medical alert device or insurance The call then attempts to confuse your loved one by telling them to enter a series of digits into the phone. Instead of opting out of the offer by entering the code, it actually enrolls them in a service or will order a device for them. A bill will then be issued, possibly with reoccurring charges.

What is the Best Way to Deal with Robocall Scams

The best way to deal with a scam like this is to just hang up on the call. Ensure your loved one that they do not need to enter any codes and to simply hang up if they receive such a call. Also remind them that they should never enter personal information such as credit card or social security numbers over the phone.

If you need legal assistance for dealing with an elderly loved one who has been made a victim of a scam, then contact Stano Law group today.