It’s quite common in this day and age for children to live far away from their family. You might live in a different city, even in a different state or all the way across the country. Even still, at some point your parents will need to be cared for. There are clearly challenges that arise when the need to care for a parent who lives in another state presents itself.
These challenges can be quite significant, and you’ll want to do everything just right to ensure your parents get the care and protection they need. Discover some of the challenges you’ll face when caring for parents in different states, and how an estate planning attorney in Cleveland, Ohio, can help you make the right choices.
What Care Do Your Parents Need?
The first step is determining what care your parents need. It’s difficult to spot the symptoms of aging and illness when you’re not there with them every day. Sit down and make a checklist of the things they can still do, as soon as you become aware that their capabilities are limited. As you do this, determine the kind of help they need.
Can you handle things with regular phone calls and dropping in on occasion? Alternately, do they need skilled medical care and in-home or residential services? Can they handle daily activities and hygiene or will professional help be needed? Can they make financial and medical decisions themselves, and will those decision-making capabilities become limited in the near future?
Gather Resources
When you’ve determined what kind of care your senior loved one needs, it’s time to gather together potential resources to help. You can’t be there every day if you live in another state. Start with friends and relatives you trust who are nearby. These might be able to help with things like grocery shopping, social opportunities, and even medication or just checking in.
Otherwise, look into professional services. These include options like elder care managers, emergency hotlines, home meal delivery services, local adult daycare centers and senior centers, or home companion services that can help.
When It’s Time for Long Term Care
Nobody likes to think about this prospect, but the day may come when your parent needs to be placed into full-time, long-term care. It’s important to understand when things have gotten beyond your ability to do, and when it’s time to seek these services.
Calling an Estate Planning Attorney in Cleveland, Ohio
One of the best resources available to you is a qualified estate planning attorney in Cleveland, Ohio. Estate planning lawyers have seen everything that age has to bring, and they can help you to make the right decisions to protect assets, set up wills, trusts and powers of attorney, and be sure that final wishes are observed.
It doesn’t stop there, however. These legal professionals can also point you to the best resources for age-related conditions. If you’re looking for help caring for your senior parent in another state, Stano Law can help. Get in touch with us for a consultation today.
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