Having a carefully planned estate can help to ease the pain of your family during a trying time, as well as make sure that your final wishes are carried out in the manner that you wish them to. However, when planning your estate, it is easy to make some common mistakes. Look out for these and avoid them if you can.

There is no Such Thing as Too Young

No matter what your age is, you are not too young to have an estate plan. If you don’t have a will then things like the guardianship of your children or who gets your home can cause a lot of problems. No matter what your age start your estate plan with a will.

Don’t get Too Fancy

Resist the temptation to get too complicated with your estate plan. While things like complicated trust might seem like a good idea, they can often cause unforeseen complications with your estate than can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort to sort out.

Make Sure All Your Assets are Accounted For

Having a will is not the final say for all of your accounts. Retirement funds like 401k’s or IRA’s can have their own sets of rules that need to be addressed. Make sure to account for all of your assets in your estate plan.

If you need assistance with estate planning or have questions, contact the experts at Stano Law group today.