Medications are a lifeline for the elderly. Having the wrong or missed dosages, or even taking too much of a certain medication can cause serious issues. Here are some tips for keeping you or your loved ones on track and preventing issues with medication.

Large Print Labels

Reading glasses are must as everyone ages. This means not being able to read that fine print on a very small medication bottle. Avoid issues with this by requesting large print labels on medication bottles. This will help to prevent any medication errors due to misreading or not being able to read the bottle.

Pill Organizers

As the number of medications a person has to take increases, the chance of memory issues coming into play also increase. Using a pill organizer can help. Pill organizers assist elderly with memory problems, or even those without memory loss, by keeping them on track with what pills should be taken when. Some are even designed with day and night spots, as well as the days of the week. Make sure to make a habit of filling the organizer on the same day to avoid confusion.

Financial Issues

Medications are expensive. Skipping or going without medications due to financial issues can be deadly. If you or your loved one is having issues with affording medication, then skipping them is not the answer. Work with your pharmacist or doctor to find cheaper alternatives, like generics, or possible find financial assistance programs.

For any legal questions about prescription drug benefits, contact Stano Law Group today!