If you are looking for an assisted living facility for you or an elderly loved one, you may be surprised to find that there is little in the way of rankings or reviews online. There is no real definitive way to tell how one facility ranks against the other ones in its area. Here are some things to look for so you can tell how the assisted living facility you are looking at ranks up.

Community Reviews

One of the best ways to find out what a facility is like is to talk to the community that it is located in. Many communities have online forums that you can log into to read what families and residents have to say about a particular place.

You do have to remember when doing online searches, many times the only people who leave comments are the ones that are the most angry. This can lead to a disproportionate amount of negative feedback that may not be deserved. Treat any of these reviews like you would any other online review of a product.

State Records

While there are no federal guidelines for assisted living facilities, states are required to keep records on each of them. As are many counties. These records should be public knowledge. Searching these records can give you a good idea of the track record of the facility as far as complaints and inspections.

If you need legal assistance in dealing with an assisted living facility, contact Stano Law group.