Anytime one has an opportunity to expand their scope of understanding concerning the complexities of finance with the numerous facets of retirement is occasion that must be taken advantage of. Both gentleman conducting the presentation appeared to be exceeding knowledgeable and complement the other. I would recommend attending such a event and exploring the advantages of utilizing their talents to secure your assets in the decades to come.
I’ve known Paul Stano for many years, and still use his services to this day. He’s helped my family and me in so many ways. He’s done living wills and estate planning for me. Then as my parents got up in years, I called upon Paul to help develop a game plan to help pay for future long-term care expenses for them if needed, and he remained their attorney for the rest of their lives. Paul was involved every step of the way drawing up wills and trusts for them, and then assisting with things like Medicaid and obtaining VA benefits. When both my parents required long-term care, Paul was a master at making sure these costs were covered, plus he was able to make sure there was some money left in their estate to be left to my sister and I, which my parents wanted very much to occur. The entire process was very complex. If you’re not careful, you can lose a lot of money paying for healthcare costs. You need someone by your side to help figure everything out, and to be able to successfully navigate through the process. Paul Stano was that man. He handled everything from A-Z and did it in expert fashion. It’s great to know he’ll be there for me when I need him again in the future.
Paul Stano is a fantastic resource for families who are looking at what their options maybe when it comes to the best care possible for themselves or their loved ones. In our home healthcare business, we face situations where individuals eventually may need to move from receiving care at home into an assisted living or a nursing facility. It’s important to know your options on Medicaid, or if you can qualify for VA benefits so you can figure out what your next step can be. Paul can help people receive additional income or benefits they may not have known were available to help pay for long-term care. He can also help people protect a considerable amount of their assets from going to pay for nursing home expenses. I’ve invited several of my clients to go to his seminars, I’ve attended myself and I can tell you get a lot of great information there. Paul is someone that you can trust and someone who can bring comfort in knowing has helped you identify all your options before making a final decision on where or how you life’s journey continues.
I can’t begin to thank Paul for all that he did for my two sisters and me regarding our mother’s situation. Paul and his staff were so helpful and considerate. They welcomed me in, led me by the hand, and took me through the process that subsequently wound up saving my sisters and me tens of thousands of dollars in healthcare bills. At the time my mother was facing some serious healthcare challenges that involved hospital care, followed by a nursing home stay, and then finally hospice care. I couldn’t believe it when my sisters and I were told that the amount of money we wound up owing for her hospital, nursing home and hospice care was zero. We had no unpaid bills for these services. This was thousands and thousands of dollars’ worth of expenses, and we owed no money. What a relief! You can’t put a price tag on that kind of peace of mind. And it was all because of what Paul Stano accomplished because of his hard work. He was able to put in place for us with the proper documents to make sure things were covered. I couldn’t ask for better service or better results. Thank you Paul and his great team!
I’ve found Paul Stano very easy to work with. He is very easy to talk to. Paul is a total professional who’s provided a valuable service to our clients over the years, in areas such as pre-planning for a funeral where Medicaid issues come into play. End of life planning is never easy. It’s a multi-tiered process where you need several qualified individuals involved to work with the family. I’m glad to be able to call on Paul for his valued contributions here. My clients have been very satisfied with the way he gets results for them.
We all benefit from having the services of the Stano Law Firm available. Not only is Paul Stano an excellent choice for an elder law attorney, he is a great advocate for seniors and a trusted educator in the community. Thank you for your service to us.
Paul Stano is a very nice and compassionate man. He’s was of tremendous help to us in doing some trust planning for my now late mother. Because of him we didn’t have to pay any of her medical bills because all was taken care of. Actually this is the second time I’ve called upon Mr. Stano’s services. He helped with my father a few years back. I never hesitate to recommend Paul Stano to others. I sent my friend to him and she’s also very satisfied.
Both speakers sold themselves because of their knowledge and enthusiasm.
Important up to date info, I wish I new about a few years earlier. Setting up appointment to get the right steps going. Very good folks
Very informative and easy to follow because of all the visual graphics.