When it comes time to move an elderly loved one from a home they are very familiar with to a new one that matches the level of care they need, it might be a frightening or confusing experience for them. Here are some tips to help ease the transition for them and assist them in getting around their new home.

Draw a Layout of the Room and Facility

In order to help them learn their way around their new home, draw up a map for them to use when getting around. Make sure to clearly mark important rooms or rooms that they should not go into.

Also take the time to draw up a floor plan of their room to see which of their belongings can come with them during the move. Check with the staff to make sure that items you want to bring in are acceptable. Then, have them help you plan out their room (if they are able).

Consider a New Home for Valuables

Depending on the care facility that your loved one is going into, it may not be secure for their valuables. Consider housing these items elsewhere.

Make Arrangements for Medications

Check with the staff to see how medications are going to be handled. Make sure if the staff is going to be providing them, they are aware of all medications that your elderly loved on is on and are in communication with doctors to keep up on their needs.

Contact Stano Law Group for any legal questions about relocating to a new home.