You may not have a legally set up health care proxy form. One of the reasons for this is that you may be aware that a hospital, upon admitting you, will allow you to sign a generic health care proxy form to cover any decisions that might need to be made if you are in capacitated. Be careful of these forms. They might not cover everything you think they do.

Hospital Health Care Proxy Forms

A hospital health care proxy form may not cover everything you would like it to. A health care proxy is a highly personal document that has details about who can speak for you, what your wishes are in the case of coma or vegetative state as well as wishes for your remains after your death. The hospital form will not cover all these items in detail. It may not even allow for close family members to have information disclosed to them due to HIPPA laws.

A hospital form is no substitute for a health care proxy created by a legal professional. Take the time to speak with your attorney and have this document drawn up so you do not have to rely on generic hospital form.

Beware the Override

You must also be aware and very careful of the fact that a signed hospital form can override your health care proxy documents. If you have a health care proxy document drawn up and signed, do not sign the hospital form.

Contact Stano Law Group for assistance with elder law topics like a health care proxy form.