Are you an elderly veteran looking to get some additional benefits? Then applying for your veteran’s benefits is a great way to do that. Before you go filling out the paperwork, here are some of the things you need to know.

Keep Copies of your Paperwork

You are going to need to send lots and lots of paperwork. Since the VA is constantly processing lots of claims they may lose your paperwork. Since you do not want to give up your only copy of important documentation, like your discharge papers, you should always send copies of things instead of the original documents.

Do your Homework

Before applying, know what you qualify for and what benefits you are applying to receive. If you think you might be eligible for something and are not, that can slow down your access to the things you are actually eligible to receive. Making sure you qualify for what you are asking for before you apply will ensure that you get what you are asking to receive.

File Your Paperwork Correctly

Make sure that you follow the directions on the applications,  provide all the documentation that is requested and answer every question as correctly as you can. Leaving blanks or skipping questions you think may not apply will only lead you down the path of rejection and appeal. There is help available from a number of sources if you need it.

Contact Stano law group for any assistance in legal matters involving veteran’s benefits.