It is never easy making the decision to move an elderly loved one into a nursing home. Usually the decision comes after all of the other options seem to have been tried and are no longer viable.

One way to make the decision making process easier is to have everyone involved in the decision sit down and have a discussion about what to do. This discussion should involve everyone in the family whose lives may be impacted by the decision including your elderly loved one.

Here are some steps that you can take when it is time to make this life altering decision and talk to a trusted elder law attorney.


Make Sure Everyone is There

Feelings can be hurt when family members feel like they are being left out of decisions that have a direct effect on them. So, when it is time to have the discussion about the nursing home you should have everyone who is affected there.

This might extend to more than immediate family. Even close, trusted friends might have a place at the discussion table. If at all possible, include your elderly loved one in the discussion. While it might make things harder, in the end it may help to ensure that everyone’s best interests are served.


Think about a Geriatric Care Manager to Help

Most care managers that are provided to you via hospitals, veteran’s benefits or social work have very busy schedules. This means that they may not have the time to spend to get to know your loved one and the particulars of their situation. In this case you can hire a geriatric care manager to help out.

A personal geriatric care manager can help you with a lot of decisions like finding a good nursing home, helping to determine the appropriate level of care that is needed, viable alternatives to a traditional nursing home and even working as a go between for the family and the facility.

This help can prove invaluable when trying to find the right mix of care and comfort for your loved one.


Research the Alternatives

There may be some other options that exist other than a care from a traditional nursing home. Many times aging in place is better for the senior and care can be provided directly in the home. Adult day care may be an option for some seniors who need socialization and activities during the day. Maybe an alternative like a retirement care community or congregate care facility might work better.

There are plenty of alternatives that exist so don’t feel like your family is locked into a traditional nursing home. See what is out there and what might work best for your situation before making a final decision.

Seek the Assistance of an Elder Law Attorney

Need help with the legal aspect of finding a nursing home or with ways to fund it? Then contact the elder law experts at Stano Law group. We can help you today!