If you are looking to come in to the Stano Group’s offices to have an elder planning discussion, you might want to prepare ahead of time. Here are some things to bring with you when you are ready to sit down to prepare your elder planning documents.

A List of Names

You are going to need to have an executor for your will, a power of attorney and a health care proxy. You should also have alternates for each of those roles. Have a list of names and contact information ready for the discussion. It will help knowing ahead of time who those people are going to be.

Financial Documents

Some things to bring with you financially speaking would be a recent bank statement, any brokerage or investment account information and documentation on your retirement accounts. Income tax forms can be helpful but aren’t generally needed. Getting an idea of the rough value of your estate can help to plan how you wish your remaining assets to be distributed amongst your loved ones. This can include options like a trust or even charitable donations.


Give some thought to the topic of timing. Are you ready to hand over power of attorney now or should it only kick in when you become incapacitated? Are you planning on moving into a care facility in the future or is it happening now. Consider the timing of when your documents are going to take effect.

With some forethought your planning session at Stano Law group can go quickly and painlessly. Contact us today.